Thursday, June 9, 2011

Somethings are just better left alone.

One of my co-workers was telling me a story about her sister coming to visit. And how finally after almost 10 months she was returning the tent she had borrowed. She had helped them set it up so they could clean it out in preparation of going camping in a couple of weekends.

They had left the tent up overnight to allow it to air out and had planned on taking it down the next day. Well a severe thunderstorm watch come over our area, so my co-worker had planned on getting it in as soon as her husband arrived home (as it's 220 sq feet and really requires two people, btw I'm pretty sure I lived in an apartment smaller than that at one point).

When he arrived home, he went to change out of his work clothes quickly, but the storm had already started. As they debated going out into the rain to get the tent, even though it had been tied down, began to lift off. 

Just as they opened their door to go grab it, the tent flipped over the fence into their neighbours yard. They then discussed trying to get into that yard, even though the neighbour was not yet home. As they discussed this, the neighbours tree snapped and fell onto the tent. They decided to leave the tent until after the storm at this point.

I suggested that maybe camping might not be a good idea...

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